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Murer et Duroni Express Newness
France Version française
Photos by PS text by Sylvain Halgand. From the collection of PS. Last update 2013-08-18 par Sylvain Halgand.

Manufactured or assembled in Italy from (Circa) 1900 to (After) 1900.
Index of rarity in France: Infrequent (among non-specialized garage sales)
Inventory number: 11588

See the complete technical specifications

Chronology of cameras Murer et Duroni 

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Murer et Duroni Express Newness


Each model in the "Express Newness" series is named with a letter, each of which carries a specific meaning or significance.

Model Format Lens  

A 8 x 8 Achromatique 6 plates
B 9 x 12 Achromatique 6 plates
D 13 x 18 Achromatique 6 plates
O 6,5 x 9 Achromatique 12 plates
E 9 x 12 Achromatique 12 plates
N 6,5 x 9 Achromatique 6 plates, 2 viewfinders
U 4,5 x 6 Achromatique 12 plates, no speed setup, 2 viewfinders
C 4,5 x 6 Achromatique  

The Series II boasts a higher level of craftsmanship. The cameras in this series are crafted from walnut plywood covered in Morocco leather. The achromatic lens features a distance adjustment system, achieved by inserting lenses in front of the lens using a small lever located in front of the camera. The lens is equipped with an iris diaphragm. Lastly, the back closure is secured by two buttons concealed beneath the leather.

In this series, the viewfinder covers have a mirror on their inner surface, allowing for eye-level framing and focusing.

Model Format Lens  

T 9 x 12 Achromatique
V 6,5 x 9 Achromatique
S 13 x 18 Achromatique
X 9 x 12 Achromatique
G 9 x 12 Rectilinéaire
R 6,5 x 9 Rectilinéaire
F 9 x 12 Rectilinéaire 6 plates
H 13 x 18 Rectilinéaire 12 plates

(from Malavolti)

Cameras from Ebay France (Murer et Duroni) (Uploaded each 3 hours)